
Institut Culinaire de France is a private higher education institution specializing in French cuisine, pastry, and baking. Renowned for its dedication to French artisanal craftsmanship, the Institute is committed to excellence in refined flavors and quality, ensuring the preservation of culinary traditions for future generations. The Institute’s programs are founded on the principle that discipline and high standards are essential for achieving excellence. Students develop their technical skills, gain practical experience, acquire managerial abilities, and nurture creativity through a rigorous and comprehensive approach.

Admission requirement

Requirement Bachelor Master Diploma
Minimum education level 12TH GRADE BACHELOR DEGREE N/A
Required % in last edu. 55% 55% N/A
Minimum backlog 10 10 N/A
Minimum gap 4 10 N/A

English level

Is MOI accepted?

Fees & Expenses

Education level Annual Fees Scholarship
Undergraduate 9900 Euro to 9900 Euro N/A
Application fees
0 Euro
Living expenses
12000 Euro (Annually)
Total expense
21900 Euro (Annually)


Institut Cullnaire De France


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